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  • Deborah B reviewed

    My time with the company was quite nice. Tiffany, the first person I spoke with, was helpful and addressed all my queries. The doctor, Cecile Muehrcke, was easy to talk to, making the overall experience quite good for a first-time customer. I'm eager to begin the program and feel confident that the support team will be there if needed.

  • Kirk S reviewed

    PFC has gathered a crew devoted to assisting individuals like me shift my mindset, habits, and drive to become a healthier version of myself. I turned to PFC because I had been struggling for far too long trying to make these changes on my own. I was in poor health, pre-diabetic, quite overweight, and lacked the strength to support my body, mentally adrift, unmotivated, a poor role model for my daughter, and on a path that was simply unsustainable. The team at PFC offered me a lifeline and helped me out, and I will always be thankful. The trainers, Megan, Greg, Zack, Brian, along with the culinary, nutrition, and behavioral health teams are superb and have given me a fresh perspective on life. I am sure anyone with the desire to transition to a sustainably healthy lifestyle can adopt PFC’s Think, Eat, Move philosophy and, more importantly, take it home and continue to build on it for real lifestyle change. The results speak for themselves. In three weeks at PFC, I lost 15 pounds, gained muscle mass, tightened all body measurements, improved my cholesterol and glucose levels, and finally, finally gained confidence in my appearance and my ability to engage with my 12-year-old in sports, hikes, and other outdoor activities. I am living as the person I want to be. Since returning home, I have lost another 20 pounds, continue to exercise as I learned, eat reasonable portions, and overall healthier. I have used the "Think" methods to recognize and overcome mental hurdles that might lead back to an unhealthier me. Thanks PFC, for helping me return to who I knew I was. My wife and daughter are grateful too. Forever thankful!

  • Soon reviewed

    The guidance on these tough poses is always delivered in a clear, engaging, practical, and above all, enjoyable manner. It makes me want to keep practicing and explore new options. It would be awesome to say I got my health card and my scorpion pose in the same week.