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  • Robin reviewed

    My HP1610 won't accept these cartridges. What I thought was an affordable choice turned out to be a mistake. Not happy

  • Vajda Levente reviewed

    A meghibásodott készülék javítását, alkatrészcseréjét egyeztetés és megegyezés után sem rendezték. A vezérlőegység cseréjében megegyeztünk. Az alkatrészt még csak nem is postázták.

  • Tonya Peters reviewed
    Full Source, LLC

    I had a bit of a mess-up with my order; the address was all wrong. So I called customer service, not expecting much, but wow, they were super helpful. The person I spoke to was amazing, really went out of her way to find the original package. She then canceled that order and placed a new one for me, making sure it got to the right place this time. I was ordering a vest for a high school robotics team uniform, which was pretty important. I'm super grateful for the effort she put in. It made a big difference, and now the team will have their uniforms on time.