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  • koethstephanie reviewed

    It was a good experience. I didn't know what to expect after clicking an ad on Facebook. The $1 for the free trial was a good deal. I just wish I had known I'd need some cash for chatting. The 3 minutes I got for free about my palm reading was curious and made me a bit worried about my health, but overall it was worth it.

  • TanS reviewed

    Had a great time with Gaming4ez. Ordered stickers I wanted which arrived super fast. A few were missing but fixed right away the next day and they even gave me a free 5 star card for the mistake. Nice communication and a joy to work with. Will be choosing this company again soon!

  • Simon Nejst reviewed

    I truly appreciate their assistance and the costs are very fair for the features you receive. I surely suggest them over any other hosting company.