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  • Noah Arthur reviewed

    I gotta share this sweet moment. My daughter totally blew us away by chatting with her Japanese grandma in Japanese! Grandma's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Turns out, she's been using Dinolingo behind our backs for months. Now, they're like best buds, always giggling and practicing together. It's seriously the cutest thing ever. Dinolingo's been a real game-changer for us.

  • Angus Ewan reviewed

    Man, Dinolingo has really turned things around for us. We're all diving into Spanish together now. The kids are hooked on those fun animated videos and catchy songs. And guess what? There's a section just for adults, which has been super helpful for me. The best part? It doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Honestly, it's great value for the entire family.

  • James McGrath reviewed

    ClassUp lied to my credit card. We bought 24 classes for our two kids for the summer for $1,500, but we could not get a hold of the coordinator to change the original class schedule. When the summer ended and we had no classes used, we asked for a refund. The director texted me that he "really alarmed", but refused to refund us, saying the company "never as far as I know given a refund" even when ClassUp screwed up. When I disputed this charge with the credit card company, ClassUp told them that we were the ones who refused to communicate with them!