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About company

Comprising cosplay and beauty enthusiasts, the team at Coleyes possesses an in-depth understanding of colored contact needs and evolving fashion trends. Always at the forefront of cutting-edge designs, they consistently push boundaries to offer lenses that are surprising, delightful, and entrancing. Coleyes stays abreast of the latest fashion and lifestyle trends to provide customers with precisely what they need in colored contacts. Recognizing the transformative power of stylish lenses in defining one's daily identity, Coleyes ensures that the expanding possibilities in designs and styles, driven by advancing technology, are accessible to almost everyone. Now, bold personal style choices extend beyond special occasions to become a daily fashion statement.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Nice, France.
  • Founders: -
  • Foundation Date: -

Customer reviews

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Oh man, steer clear of this one!
by Anthony Deal

Oh man, steer clear of this one! Ordered 99 euros worth of reading, got that confirmation jazz real quick. But here's where it gets wild – got a shipment confirmation with a tracking number that takes a detour through China, hands it off to an airline, and then boom, a confirmation of receipt for stuff that never showed up. Track718 and Coleyes? Yeah, smells like a scam sandwich. Save your hard-earned cash for something legit, my friend!

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the wait for my contacts
by Robin Mackenzie

the wait for my contacts felt like forever – almost 2 and a half weeks! Finally got my hands on them, got a green pair and a blue pair. Gotta admit, up close, they're not rocking that 100% real vibe, but from a distance or for a killer photoshoot, they're spot-on. Maybe the green could use a bit more light, and the blue, well, a tad less. But hey, overall, I'm pretty stoked, and I might just make this my go-to shop.

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I ordred a pair of contacts on the 6th
by Lori

I ordred a pair of contacts on the 6th and received them 1 week later. I consider that pretty quick compared to other sites I've used. The contacts themselves are amazing. They came in professional packaging and even included tools to take out/put in the contacts as well. I will definitely be ordering more from them.

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So, I took the plunge and
by Dana P

So, I took the plunge and ordered from Coleyes for the first time. And, whoa, lightning-speed delivery! Got my hands on the Nighthawk Neon lenses, and let me tell you, they're a game-changer over my brown eyes. Seriously impressed! Count me in for another round of orders

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I like these contacts!
by Timothy

I like these contacts! I bought 3 times in last 3 months. Prices are great and VIP program is cool! I like free stuff you get. My favs: Norko Green, Glittering Blue, Stunna Blue, Satellite Grey/Blue, and Leopard Blue. Shipping is fast even if not expedited.

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Great company!
by Anonymous

Great company! Costume lenses in strong prescription are tough to find but their selection was amazin. The prices are great as is the quality of the lenses. And they arrived SUPER fast! Gonna definitely use them for all my costume contacts.

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My 1st order with coleyes was gr8!
by Marina

My 1st order with coleyes was gr8! Got "buy 3 l, get 3 free" offer. Lenses came in gd condition in sterile packaging w/ own case for long time storage! Colors r beautiful, very comfy! Will buy here again 4 sure!

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This compnay is so good!
by Kris

This compnay is so good! They have great products. The contacts are super comfy and the color choices and prescriptions are spot on. Plus, they're not too expensive. You should totally order from them!

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Their marketing makes the product seem
by alina p

Their marketing makes the product seem high quality, and it is! I like all the contacts I've bought, and their promos are good. Their social media and influencers make them seem trustworthy.

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Just got my first order fom them.
by Tyler

Just got my first order of ColeEyes contact lenses. The simple and precision of the sales site was absolutely amazing. I tried out my new eye shades and was totally impressd.

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