Reviews Summary

Travel Centre US has a 4.5 - star rating from 32 reviews, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction!

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2 reviews
Rating (1.0)

About company

As the sibling of Travel Center UK, Travel Centre stands as a testament to the 36-year legacy of their parent company, Moresand, a highly esteemed UK travel agency. Collaborating with diverse international airlines, they offer impartial advice to enhance your journey. The brand specializes in high-quality travel products and meticulously planned getaways tailored to various budgets. Beyond this, Travel Centre takes pride in providing customers with coveted in-house discounts and exclusive promotions. With a commitment to connecting travelers from the USA to the global landscape, their ultimate goal is to facilitate seamless and enriching travel experiences worldwide.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Jersey City, United States.
  • Founders: Travel Centre US is the sister company of Travel Center UK.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2021.

Customer reviews

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William Gray is really great at assisting

William Gray is really great at assisting us with the booking information for our vacation next year. Thank you!!

Bianca Fox was very patients
by Anonymous

Bianca Fox was very patients and kind so spoken and went thru the hole thing step by step with such Grase.

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