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About company

GoGuardian software is designed to assist schools in efficiently managing their devices, gaining deeper insights into student behavior, and enhancing online safety measures. With user-friendly features, it simplifies device management for educational institutions, streamlining processes for optimal functionality. The software goes beyond device management, offering valuable insights into student activities, aiding educators in creating a conducive learning environment. GoGuardian prioritizes online safety, providing tools to monitor and protect students in the digital realm, ensuring a secure online educational experience. With its multifaceted approach, GoGuardian stands as a comprehensive solution for schools seeking effective device management, student understanding, and online safety protocols.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in El Segundo, United States.
  • Founders: was founded by Advait Shinde, Aza Steel, Todd Mackey.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2014.

Customer reviews

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by Mason R

DEAR TEACHERS, I'm the vice-principal at Rocklin Academy Gateway in Rocklin, CA. I hope all schools and districts are doing good. I know about lots of educational softwares, and I agree with their reasons. Generally, they help students learn and do their work. At our school, we tried many softwares before. We ended up using Goguardian. But it was a wrong choice. Unlike others, Goguardian doesn't keep data private. Goguardian, like other monitoring softwares, raises worries about privacy and safety. One reason why Go-Guardian may not be safe is because personal data might be used wrongly. Although GoGuardian is supposed to watch students for educational reasons, there's a chance that private stuff could be seen by people who shouldn't. This could be personal chats, what students browse, or even passwords. Also, there have been times when Goguardian got hacked or broken into, which meant that user data got out. This shows how risky it is to use such software because even the best security can be attacked by cyber threats. Moreover, Goguardian might make a feeling of being watched all the time in schools. Students might not like knowing that everything they do is being watched, which could make trust between teachers and students worse. To sum up, while GoGuardian might be good for watching students and keeping them safe online, it also has big risks for privacy and security. Schools and teachers need to think carefully about whether to use this software and make sure they protect students' privacy and security properly.

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Don't install this on your Chromebook/Mac/PC.
by A M

Don't install this on your Chromebook/Mac/PC. It's nearly impossible to get rid of, you can't change what it sells to advertisers (which is everything from your browsing history, to your ACTUAL FACE.) and it uses your webcam without your permission. For some reason, none of this is illegal. It's horrifically invasive, blocking everything from YouTube, to school operated or used websites such as Google Classroom or Teams. The user-interface for unblocking websites is incredibly clunky and needlessly complicated. Even if you unblock a certain website, GoGuardian seemingly re-blocks them at will. Don't support this bussiness.

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Well, honestly, GoGuardian
by wyatt

Well, honestly, Goguardian seems like a headache. It just blocks everything on my computer, making it pretty much useless. It's like this annoying presence that's always watching me, which feels creepy. Plus, trying to remove it is a nightmare. It's as if the people behind it have no clue what they're doing. The school district's insistence on keeping it locked down is just adding insult to injury. I've resorted to using my home computer at school just to avoid dealing with it. Can someone please make GoGuardian disappear for good?

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GoGuardia is an utterly dismal and
by Mareya Blue

GoGuardia is an utterly dismal and poorly conceived computer application that stands as a testament to the depths of human folly. I'd prefer reclining on a filthy McDonald's bench soaked in stale Diet Coke than subject myself to the traumatic ordeal of navigating this abhorrent webpage. Advocating for the prohibition of GoGuardia seems like a reasonable response to spare others from its sheer inadequacy.

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This app is really not smart.
by Deion

This app is really not smart. It blocks websites that are okay for school and I can't even watch the videos I want to watch. I tried to watch sports, but the app blocked it. What's wrong with sports anyway? It even blocks games that are okay for school. It's a very annoying app. I wish someone would hack it.

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GoGuardian seems like a spyware software
by Alexander

GoGuardian seems like a spyware software for schools. It blocks useful websites and records keystrokes, which is illegal. Schools need to stop using it and government should ban it.

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Goguardian is the worst spyware ever.
by Anonymous

Goguardian is the worst spyware ever. Whoever made goguardian, take my advice, go fuk yourself. I will see myself out the window, no goodbye goguardian go fuk yourself.

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