Reviews Summary

Outset has a 5.0 - star rating from 2 reviews, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

Outset offers a 1-week pre-college program at UNC-Chapel Hill for high school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine and healthcare. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the medical field, helping students explore career paths and understand the steps toward becoming a physician. The program is run by a team experienced in managing pre-med programs for thousands of students each year. Outset follows American Camp Association safety standards, with staff receiving thorough training and background checks. The program also partners with organizations like HOSA and NCHSE to enhance the experience.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Morganton, NC, United States.
  • Founders: Lawson Kuehnert is the Owner of Outset.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2021.

Customer reviews

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My daughter, who is going into her second year
by Shana Becker

My daughter, who is going into her second year of high school, discovered Outset while seeking to explore a career in medicine. She had a great time in her biology class and admires her grandma's work as a doctor. The camp met all of her hopes. She joined the surgery week and returned home with a greater understanding of the different areas within surgery. She is excited to come back next summer to learn about primary care. As a parent, my goal was for her to have a secure, motivating, and educational time. She did.

My daughter, who is entering her second year of high school
by Anonymous

My daughter, who is entering her second year of high school, discovered Outset while exploring her interest in medicine. She had a great time in her biology class and admires her grandmother's career as a doctor. The camp met all of her hopes. She took part in the surgery week and returned home with a greater understanding of different surgical fields. She plans to come back next year to explore primary care. As a parent, my goal was for her to have a safe, motivating, and educational experience. She did.

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