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The College Board has a 2.0 - star rating from 6 reviews, indicating a low level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

College Board, a longstanding American non-profit, originated as the College Entrance Examination Board with a mission to broaden access to higher education. Serving as the starting point for college and career journeys, users can access personalized recommendations and various scores through their platform. Annually reaching over 7 million students, College Board guides them from high school to college and career paths. With a history spanning more than 120 years, the organization introduced pioneering programs like the SAT® and AP® to enhance opportunities and skill development. The BigFuture® program further supports students in planning, paying for college, and exploring potential careers.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in New York, United States.
  • Founders: The College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) was founded at Columbia University by representatives of 12 universities and three high school preparatory academies.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 1899.

Customer reviews

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Our son took 2 tests as a sophomore and 1 as

Our son took 2 tests as a sophomore and 1 as a junior but none as a senior. We paid $300 for these tests! As a senior, he did not take any tests. However, they will not send a free copy of his AP Test transcript to his 1 college at which he has chosen to attend, because their window for sending test scores was within 9 days of taking the test. This is rediculous! He would neither have applied nor been accepted to a college as a sophomore or a junior, so sending scores would have made no sense. Would a school even retain transcripts of tests for students they have never heard of, who are not even old enough to attend college and have not applied to the school? Now we have to pay to have the 1 free transcript he should have received (per his high school) to send his AP test scores. The people are all overseas and do not understand the school system in the United States to understand why this doesn't make sense. They would not allow me to speak to a supervisor either. They claimed there is no way for them to now send the scores (even though she could verify that transcripts were never sent previously) without us paying.

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I totally agree with other reviewers

I totally agree with other reviewers who gave this company a "1" rating. Their IT service is not up to par. They promise things that aren't doable from the user's side and insist they're possible. It feels like they've never even tried using their own website and portal like a regular user would. Dealing with their customer service is beyond frustrating. They stick to their scripts and never give actual helpful answers to problems with their system. The customer service representatives come off as condescending and, in the end, don't provide any real assistance. They might try to be polite, but they don't actually fix anything. Instead, you're left with explanations about why they can't help. I really hope that college applications continue to not require SAT/ACT scores from the College Board.

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This company is important for many

This company is important for many high schoolers applying to college, so they need to do well all the time. CSS Profile, needed for financial aid in many colleges, has been down or very slow all October, app season. The app is long and instead of many questions on one screen, it makes you go through 10 or more screens for each of the 10 sections, it often freezes and after 10 minutes, you have to log in again. iDOC doesn't have electronic forms other than 4 basic ones, so you have to download forms, fill them out by hand and upload them. It took me at least 5 days to finish a financial aid app and I'm still waiting for final approval of the forms. This is bad for parents and students already going through a lot at this time.

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Avoid this company at all

Avoid this company at all costs when it comes to educational needs. My child's grades are at risk because their teacher assigned a task that requires access to the College Board website. However, logging in has proven impossible, and neither my child nor I have received any help despite numerous attempts. Emails go unanswered, and customer service calls result in endless waits on hold. It's a dead end with this company. Stay away, stay away, stay away.

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The customer service falls short

The customer service falls short, providing unhelpful responses. Predictably, their default assurance is a promise to escalate the issue urgently, promising a follow-up email. However, the reality unfolds as you endure endless waiting for months, leading to frustration and, inevitably, financial loss.

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Collegeboard was a big help with my studies.

Collegeboard was a big help with my studies. What I liked most about getting ready for their test is that they offer free practice tests that are close to the real one. This was very useful for me to prepare for the exam.

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