Reviews Summary

Sedoc LLC has a 3.5 - star rating from 8 reviews, indicating a low level of customer satisfaction!

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2 Reviews
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About company

Sedoc LLC serves as a pivotal link, connecting Advertisers, Publishers, and Developers in a dynamic ecosystem. Specializing in performance-based campaigns, Sedoc offers a range of marketing tools, including CPC, CPM, and CPA/CPI models. Their platform empowers clients to enhance their Return on Investment (ROI) with the support of a skilled and professional team. Sedoc's commitment to optimizing campaign performance ensures that advertisers, publishers, and developers can achieve their marketing objectives efficiently. Experience the benefits of strategic collaboration and elevated ROI through Sedoc LLC's comprehensive suite of services.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Miami, Florida, United States.
  • Founders: Sedoc LLC was founded by Michal Jedrzejczak.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2015.

Customer reviews

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The website provides an entertaining
by Carbbean

The website provides an entertaining navigation experience with various avenues to accumulate points called "bananas" through surveys and games. However, the issue arises when attempting to redeem these points for rewards, particularly Amazon keys. Despite making a purchase a month ago, and sending two follow-up inquiries, there's been no reward or response received. While the platform is enjoyable for gaming enthusiasts, the reward system's inefficiency and lack of customer support can be disheartening. Cancelling a profile also proves challenging without a direct method. Hoping for a more responsive resolution this time.

I gathered sufficient bananas to acquire
by Edmond

I gathered sufficient bananas to acquire a minimum of 8 CS:GO skins, and upon notification that I was queued to receive them, I anticipated a 48-hour wait. However, it has now been four days, and I am yet to receive anything. I diligently adhered to the 3-day claim period, but alas, no skins. My recommendation is to steer clear of this company, as it appears they may be more interested in profiting from your information than fulfilling their promises.

Hello everyone, I recently signed up on
by smael gadidi

Hello everyone, I recently signed up on this platform, still getting the hang of it. Hoping for a fruitful experience and financial success. Best wishes to all for prosperity.

Custmrr srvce took 24h
by Anonymous

Custmrr srvce took 24h to reply, but I don't mind if I get ansr. Hppy to use this app as it pays off the efforts. Persnal recmndation - should use it.

I finished a task, but didn't get
by Rafael

I finished a task, but didn't get my reward. I've been reaching out to support for a week now, and haven't heard back from them.

really good, works fine
by Aidrien

really good, works fine. I hope this company does really well and doesn’t fall like the other scams on the web.

This website is good for making
by Hib Aal

This website is really good for making extra money. It could be better if they make the interface simpler.

This app is so fast 'cause

This app is so fast 'cause when I wanna get a skin from the site, the swap comes quicker than I reckon.

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