Reviews Summary has a 3.6 - star rating from 13 reviews, indicating a low level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

Reverse Health introduces a groundbreaking weight loss program tailored specifically for menopause. Over a span of 12 weeks, many participants have experienced significant transformations, shedding 15-25 pounds and mitigating bothersome menopause symptoms. This isn't just another diet; it's a lifestyle designed to address menopausal challenges such as unwanted weight gain and hot flashes. Members benefit from personalized meal plans, granting access to an extensive recipe library with 3000+ options. The program provides a user-friendly app featuring meal plan tracking, weight monitoring, mood and exercise logs for enhanced accountability. With exclusive access to a Facebook group of over 20,000 members, weekly FAQ calls with nutrition coaches, monthly live sessions with menopause experts, and a comprehensive 12-week video coaching course on nutrition and mindset, Reverse Health offers a holistic approach to women's well-being during menopause. They also supply beginner-friendly exercise videos, supplement recommendations, and round-the-clock support through their chat feature.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States.
  • Founders: was founded by Matt Jones.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2021.

Customer reviews

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Anyone considering this company
by Sharon

Anyone considering this company should be aware that it's a scam. Even if you input accurate information such as a healthy height, weight, frequent exercise, and a balanced diet, the quiz generates a misleading outcome. It falsely states that your metabolic age is much higher than your actual age, suggesting potential health risks. Simultaneously, the webpage bombards you with a time-limited 'offer.' These quiz results are deceptive, offering no genuine health or dietary guidance, only employing fear tactics to drive hasty sales. This approach is entirely unethical.

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I've been using this program to work on maintaining a healthy weight
by Sheryl Kramer

I've been using this program to work on maintaining a healthy weight, and I'm enjoying the new, simple recipe ideas it offers. What really stands out is their chat support – I typically receive responses on the same day, which is fantastic. The exercises are effective, but I'm curious if there are more options available if I decide to increase the intensity. It's great to have a sense of accountability and access to new ideas within the program's community. Overall, it's been a positive experience that's helped me along my health journey.

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I've been using this meal plan, and honestly, it's becoming repetitive
by Pam Fite

I've been using this meal plan, and honestly, it's becoming repetitive. The recipes seem to cycle over and over again, leaving me wanting more variety. The exercise and tips offered aren't anything groundbreaking; I've come across similar advice before. Converting measurements into US standards can be a hassle, and having to Google some ingredients due to differing names in other countries is also inconvenient. It would be great if the plan addressed these issues for a smoother user experience.

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I reached out with questions about deleting
by Sharon Miller

I reached out with questions about deleting or editing a meal logged on the wrong day. Kylie and Maeve were friendly and gave useful information. It turns out there's no way to delete or edit a meal once it's entered. I like the app and its features, but there's definitely room for improvement. Adding barcode scanning would save time compared to manually entering nutrient details. This feature should be added to automatically update micro/micronutrient information.

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This company disappointingly
by Candace Svendson

This company disappointingly lacks laptop support, limiting its functionality to only mobile devices. I recently joined and promptly requested a refund on the same day. I just wrapped up a chat with Jessica from accounts payable, crossing my fingers for a swift refund process. It's crucial to be mindful of this limitation if you prefer not to be restricted to your mobile device, and that's precisely why I've chosen not to continue using their services.

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Vanavond belde ik en sprak ik met Jessica.
by Jacky

Vanavond belde ik en sprak ik met Jessica. Ze was zo behulpzaam en geduldig! Ik ben niet erg goed met de technische kant van dingen en ze legde alles uit wat ik moest doen en veranderde zelfs iets waar ik mee geworsteld had rechtstreeks vanaf haar computer 🤔. Geweldig om te weten dat ze je geld niet nemen en wegrennen, maar er zijn om te vragen wat je nodig hebt hulp bij

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Clear guidans and fillings enjoyble mealss
by Miss R

Clear guidans and fillings enjoyble mealss that ar quik to prepere. Protien and increesed fiber mean feeling full and satisfide. Great respons if needing help and supportive access to group. Best part is the program works, now 3 stone 2 lbs lighter and feelin grate. Thank you Revers helth.

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by Betsy

Watch out the site leads you to add what you think is included in subscription only to be billed over $150. Monthly. No one answers phone calls to have this corrected and emails are sent stated you cannot cancel., even though website says you have 24 hours to review.

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This company's got nice recipes
by Connie

This company's got nice recipes, and the exercises are easy to follow. The Facebook group is helpful, 'cause members help each other out. The only downside is the app sometimes glitches, so you gotta sign in again to get where you wanna go.

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The company does a decent job
by Denice

The company does a decent job with its recipes and exercises. However, the app lacks flexibility in logging food, giving an incomplete picture. Daily tips are too basic. More food logging options and exercise choices are needed.

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I tried their trial, but soon found it wasn't for me
by Anonymous

I tried their trial, but soon found it wasn't for me. I canceled via the app, but later got charged £99 via PayPal. They didn't email me about the payment, so I'm disputing it. They stopped replying, so I'll report them.

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Ik wil Jasmine bedanken voor haar tijdige
by Anonymous

Ik wil Jasmine bedanken voor haar tijdige en behulpzame reactie op mijn recente vraag. Ze ging zelfs een stapje verder door aan te bieden om me bronnen te sturen om me te helpen de app beter te navigeren.

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The customer service at Jessie E
by Allison

The customer service at Jessie E team is outstanding at Reverse Health. This exercise programme is highly recommended. It's tailored for individuals, easy to use, motivating, and gives genuine results.

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