Reviews Summary

Lin.Health has a 5.0 - star rating from 6 reviews, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

Lin Health offers a digital pain recovery program designed for individuals dealing with chronic pain. Their comprehensive program is anchored by professional coaches and includes pain-specific behavioral health tools. The goal is to reduce and often eliminate chronic pain. Lin Health provides a structured approach to pain management and recovery. Their innovative methods support lasting relief and improved quality of life.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Denver, United States.
  • Founders: Lin.Health was founded by Yehuda Kogan, Dr. Abigail Hirsch.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2021.

Customer reviews

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Before meeting Lin, my days
by JB

Before meeting Lin, my days were a blur of pain and exhaustion from arthritis and fibromyalgia. Then, in just three months, everything shifted. Lin taught me how to reframe my thoughts, and suddenly, I found myself handling work better than ever. What's crazy is I even have energy left for stuff I love by the weekend. It's like I've reclaimed a part of my life that I thought was gone forever. Lin's approach isn’t magic, but it feels like it. If you've been struggling like I was, Lin might be the game-changer you need.

I'm learning a lot.
by Jose Cruz

I'm learning a lot. Lauren, my coach, is great. She helps me connect with info on the Linhealth app. Last week was tough with pain, but I got through and went back to my new mantra, "...I improve every day." Despite the pain, I stayed more in control. Overall, my experiences with Linhealth modules have been positive and helpful, even during painful episodes. I believe things will improve. ...I haven't felt like this in years.

Man, this program's been a
by Gina W Hinnegan

Man, this program's been a lifesaver. It's got all these different ways to help with my pain, but you gotta really commit to it and practice. Becky, my counselor, she's been amazing. She helped me get started with some techniques that actually work. Seriously, she's awesome at what she does. I'm feeling a lot better thanks to her guidance. If you're willing to put in the effort, this program can really make a difference.

I've been with Lin Health for about 3
by Carol Young

I've been with Lin Health for about 3 months and I've learned a lot about handling chronic pain. Plus, how the brain reacts to long-term chronic pain. I'm just starting to learn how to change my thinking patterns and, in turn, lower the pain in my body. Very intrsting stuff. I'm happy with what I've seen so far and highly recommend anyone looking for chronic pain relief to try Lin Health.

The journey was truly enlightening.
by Marion

The journey was truly enlightening. I have learned what influences my feelings when I feel upset or let down, both by myself and others, and why my emotions shift. Now, I have methods to soothe myself when I feel upset. The trainers are wonderful!

Lin's chronic pain coaching has made a huge
by Erika

Lin's chronic pain coaching has made a huge difference for me. They really meet you where you're at, no matter your issues. I highly recommend them.

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