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Shopping & Fashion

Each brand on belongs to a specific category, where it holds a position in the top rankings. The ranking is determined by various factors, such as the overall rating on the site, the number of reviews, the business's activity in managing reviews, engagement with customers, and more.

Lemonade Dolls is 760 out of 786 best companies in Shopping & Fashion on

About Lemonade Dolls

Lemonade is a female-owned lingerie brand designed to empower and inspire women across the UK. It redefines lingerie by moving away from traditional narratives, focusing on comfort, confidence, and inclusivity. Offering sizes from UK 6 to 24, Lemonade provides multiple underwear fits and specially designed bralettes for different cup sizes. The brand prioritizes ethical production, using responsibly sourced materials and working with fully audited factories. Committed to transparency and body positivity, Lemonade does not retouch images, celebrating natural beauty in all forms.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.
  • Founders: Lemonade Dolls was founded by Lemon Fuller.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2014.

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