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AX Paris has a 4.0 - star rating from 1 review, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction!

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Shopping & Fashion

Each brand on belongs to a specific category, where it holds a position in the top rankings. The ranking is determined by various factors, such as the overall rating on the site, the number of reviews, the business's activity in managing reviews, engagement with customers, and more.

AX Paris is 478 out of 786 best companies in Shopping & Fashion on

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  • L

    Louise Grandon

    1 reviews

    United Kingdom

    I really like the style of the clothes, but this time

    I really like the style of the clothes, but this time I had to return 3 of them since they didn’t fit me well. In my rush to send them back, I accidentally selected a voucher instead of a refund. I couldn’t change it after that, so now I’m stuck with a £100 voucher. It was a pretty expensive mistake, so just be careful, everyone!


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Reviews with responses attract 🔥59% more returning customers and 🔥20% more first-time customers


Shopping & Fashion

Each brand on belongs to a specific category, where it holds a position in the top rankings. The ranking is determined by various factors, such as the overall rating on the site, the number of reviews, the business's activity in managing reviews, engagement with customers, and more.

AX Paris is 478 out of 786 best companies in Shopping & Fashion on

About AX Paris

The brand offers a versatile women’s clothing collection designed for any occasion. From casual wear to elegant outfits, the selection balances style and comfort. Each piece is crafted to complement different looks and lifestyles. With a focus on quality and timeless appeal, the collection suits various preferences. Shoppers can explore a range of fashionable options to update their wardrobe effortlessly.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Founders: AX Paris was founded by Arun Anand.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 1998.

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