Reviews Summary

American Safety Council has a 1.0 - star rating from 4 reviews, indicating a low level of customer satisfaction!

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Rating (1.0)

About company

This organization is a leading online provider of driver safety, workplace safety, and continuing education services. They offer state-approved traffic school and driver education courses. The platform also includes OSHA training and other safety-related programs. The goal is to promote safety and compliance through accessible and comprehensive online courses. They cater to a wide range of learners, including individuals seeking professional development and those fulfilling legal or workplace requirements.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Orlando, Florida, United States.
  • Founders: John Comly is the CEO of American Safety Council.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 1998.

Customer reviews

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Would rate it a zero if I could.
by Tina C

Would rate it a zero if I could. Took a mature driver's course (and passed) almost a month ago but still no certificate. I've called several times and always get the same reply, "We don't know where the first one went." They say they sent another one (2 weeks ago), but still no sign of it. Thinking of filing a complaint for scamming older people!

They did not give me the defensive driving
by Anonymous

They did not give me the defensive driving course certificate or send it to my insurance company. I asked them on the phone for a soft copy, but they said they can't do it. I don't get why they can do online training but can't email the cert. It's surprising. Nearly two months now, neither my insurance company nor I have gotten the certifcate.

If I could give 0 stars, that would be more fitting here.
by Jim C.

If I could give 0 stars, that would be more fitting here. This is a fraud. They are impossible to reach and block you from accessing courses because of their system problems. They then have the nerve to make you pay to redo the course. STAY AWAY!!!

I bought the course but couldn't log in.
by Maria U

I bought the course but couldn't log in. I had to keep typing the phrase until the bar filled up, but as soon as it was nearly done, the bar reset. I tried many times to reach out to them, but it was impossible; only messages were sent.

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