Time to switch away from SiteJabber!

Ready to explore new horizons beyond SiteJabber? Don't worry! Here's why it's time to move on and try RealReviews!

Time to shift from Sitejabber
Business-friendly subscriptions

Cost-effective plans & freebies

Get all important features for free and, for $19.99 per month, enjoy a wide range of tools specially created for effective online reputation management.

Trustworthy reviews

Reliable reviews and personalization

RealReviews is your guide to reliable reviews so customers can make informed decisions. Tailor your profile, badges, and emails to match your brand image perfectly.

Friendly support

Supportive team

Enjoy support like never before with our friendly and skilled team, ready to help and open to suggestions to boost your experience and overall business growth.

Deal with suspicious reviews

Exclusive lifetime access

Take advantage of our one-time payment offer of $349.99 for lifetime access, ensuring outstanding long-term value. Start seizing new opportunities for your business today!


  • After the switch from SiteJabber to Realreviews.io , the change in customer interaction and feedback received has been remarkable. The platform is not only simple to use but also very effective.

  • Gerri

    The switch to Realreviews.io transformed the way I handle reviews. Its user-friendly nature and the dedicated support team have greatly improved my review management efforts. I strongly endorse it!

  • Transitioning to Realreviews.io from SiteJabber was an excellent choice. The platform provides greater versatility in customizing reviews and superior integration capabilities, which have positively impacted our online presence.

More benefits of RealReviews

Realreviews.io provides all the features of SiteJabber and goes beyond. Discover what sets us apart!

Review widgets
24/7 support
Free plan
Instant new review notifications
Review freezing for 30 days
Affordable pricing

Boost your growth in one click!