Reviews Summary

Vinted has a 3.3 - star rating from 14 reviews, indicating a low level of customer satisfaction!

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2 Reviews
Rating (1.0)

About company

Vinted is on a mission to redefine the value of second-hand clothing, showcasing its true greatness. They invite individuals to sell clothes that still have much to offer and to explore a unique shopping experience filled with items unavailable in traditional stores. Vinted's inclusive platform welcomes everyone who shares the belief that quality clothing deserves a long life. By promoting sustainability and circular fashion, Vinted encourages users to extend the lifespan of their garments and contribute to a more eco-conscious world. Their user-friendly marketplace empowers both sellers and buyers to participate in a fashion community that prioritizes longevity and style.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Vilnius, Vilniaus Apskritis, Lithuania.
  • Founders: Vinted was founded by Milda Mitkute, Justas Janauskas, Mantas Mikuckas.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2008.


Customer reviews

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Az én lánya évek óta árul a Vinted-en
by Kiki

Az én lánya évek óta árul a Vinted-en, és mindig elégedett volt vele, úgyhogy ajánlotta nekem is, hogy használjam, amikor nekem is lett 3 eladandó cuccom. Elolvastam az értékeléseket, és kicsit féltam őszintén szólva, mert már átverték az eBay-en és a PayPal-on, de nekifogtam, és úgy gondoltam, megpróbálom. Feltettem a 3 cuccomat, és kevesebb, mint 12 óra alatt eladták őket. Ami tetszett, az az volt, hogy a szállítás mind a vevő részéről volt intézve, így nem kellett aggódnom a szállítási költségek becsülése miatt, stb., csak fel kellett vennem és be kellett szkennelnem. Ami még tetszett, és bár nekem nem volt hasznos, az az volt, hogy bár a vevőtől levették a pénzt, mégsem volt azonnal elérhető számomra. A fizetés csak két nappal a szállítás után vált elérhetővé. Úgy érzem, ez védelmet nyújtott a vevőnek, hogy ne essen át rajta, és ne küldjék el az árut. Szerencsém volt, és 3 vevőt kaptam, akik azonnal kifizették nekem a vásárlást, amint megkapták a terméket, így nem kellett várnom a 2 napig a fizetésre. Amint kértem a pénz kivonását, 24 óra alatt megkaptam, ami gyors volt. Mind a 3 vevő pozitív visszajelzést adott nekem eladóként, amit azt hiszem, azonnali szállításomnak köszönhettem, hiszen kevesebb mint 12 órán belül feladtam őket az eladás után. Egyáltalán nem vagyok már rémült, és ha megint lesznek eladandó cuccaim, újra feltenném őket, és remélném, hogy szerencsém lesz ugyanolyan vevőkkel.

This company's app is useful for buying
by Lisa S.

This company's app is useful for buying and selling stuff. Both its automatic and customer service systems work well. I had three items lost in the mail, but thanks to their protection plans, my buyers got refunded, and I got paid too. Once I got a damaged item, but the seller agreed to refund and paid for postage via the Vinted App. Customer service responded quickly when the app didn't load. They said they're working on improving it. Other issues, like when similar products got deleted, were fixed almost right away when I asked. Overall, if you follow Vinted's rules, it's a quick, helpful, and fun way to buy and sell.

I've been selling odds and ends
by Tomila

I've been selling odds and ends (cleaning out my closet) for a while now, and things were going well when it was run by Lithuanians. But since it changed hands to someone else, it's taken a nosedive. I put up a designer dress my mom bought for me, didn't really like it, had all the paperwork, and Vinted just shut down my account without even asking anything, just blocked it forever???!?!!!!!! What on earth ???!!!!!!!! There are TONS of designer items WITHOUT any receipts, so why are they allowed to stay online!??? Mine was legit with all the receipts. Completely disappointed with their customer service...

I've been selling
by Sandra T

I've been selling stuff online for like 15 years now, so I know my stuff. Anyways, this buyer tried to pull some shady move on me, claiming the pants I sold her were ripped. But get this, I took a freaking picture of them right before I shipped them and they were totally fine. So, obviously, this chick was trying to scam me. But when I showed Vinted the proof, they still gave her a refund! Like, WTF? Just because she's a buyer doesn't mean she can't be a scammer too. And I know my stuff is legit because I've never had any complaints on other sites.

I'm dealing with a lost item from Vinted
by Vicki

I'm dealing with a lost item from Vinted that was sent through Inpost. Vinted isn't doing anything until the deadline passes. They say the parcel is in transit, but it's not moving at all! I'm also having big trouble with uploading items. None of the items show up to other users, only to those who follow me. Vinted seems clueless about the problem and even tried to put the blame on me. Error number, it's your fault, get it sorted! When it works, it's fine, but when it's broken, you’re out of luck!

I bought a T-shirt that, when washed

I bought a T-shirt that, when washed, turned out to be very low quality. I contacted Vinted, and they assisted with getting a full refund and mentioned they had spoken to the seller about selling fake items. I was shocked to see the seller relisting the same shirt. I told Vinted about it again, but they did nothing to remove the ad. Be cautious when shopping on this platform.

their customer service suck
by Rebecca L

their customer service sucked. Like seriously, it was terrible. First of all, why the heck can we only shop in Germany? I mean, come on! Other countries like Belgium let us shop in Italy and Spain. But when I asked them why, they had no freakin' explanation. Talk about unhelpful. It's like they couldn't care less about us customers. Ugh, total disappointment.

My experience with Vinted was good.
by Elena

My experience with Vinted was good. I swapped stuff I didn't need anymore. I picked a seller with 5-star reviews and glasses claimed to be original. But when they came, no serial number. I contacted Vinted Support, got a full refund in a few days. I'd suggest using Vinted but with caution. Always keep buyer protection. You might need it.

I got this app about a year back, and it's been great.
by Skye

I got this app about a year back, and it's been great. It's easy to use, and most folks on it are nice. I've bought and sold stuff here quite a bit, and I plan to keep doing that. Only issue is the customer support. I've had questions about shipping, and the help suggestions weren't much help. But overall, I really like this app.

I rate vinted 4 stars.
by annie

I rate vinted 4 stars. It's easy to use, but buyers always try to lower prices. I sold an expensive jacket labeled as in excellent condition, but the buyer claimed it was stained. I refused to reduce the price, but he insisted on keeping it for less. Seems like a common trick. I'm closing my account due to the hassle.

My package went missing!
by Ava

My package went missing! (This happens often) but even after showing proof and the courier company's confirmation that the package is lost, Vinted keeps insisting that it's on its way and I need to wait a month before it can be declared lost and refunded. I'm closing my Vinted account as soon as I get my refund.

I like Vinted's idea and got some
by Lorna

I like Vinted's idea and got some good deals. Evri lost my package, admitted fault. Vinted insists it's still coming, though the shipper said it's lost. I waited 25 days, now Vinted wants Evri to check again, which they did weeks ago. Vinted now tells me to stop bothering. I'll nag until we're paid back

It can be useful to buy and sell
by Necsoiu

It can be useful to buy and sell. But the company will not sort the issue of the app constantly changing to French. I have missed deliveries and been unable to get advice because I can't see any link for customer service, who are immensely unhelpful, when you do get in touch.

Great concept, app
by David

Great concept, app is good, smooth payment system, decent way to sell used clothes. Disappointing logistics, especially Inpost. Evri and Yodel are alright. Lockers are good but Inpost service is inconsistent. Some buyers waste time by not collecting orders.

  1. Is it safe to buy from Vinted?

    Yes, Vinted ensures your safety when making purchases. All Vinted payments are encrypted and handled by our trusted partner, Mangopay, using secure technology to ensure that money is sent and received safely and reliably. Additionally, our customer support team is available 24/7, and you can expect a reply within 24 hours. We are committed to resolving any issues you may encounter.

  2. Does anyone actually sell anything on Vinted?

    Indeed, Vinted is a platform designed for selling items you no longer want or need quickly. However, it's important to price your items realistically for successful sales. When listing your items, you'll find suggestions based on similar listings to help guide your pricing decisions.

  3. How authentic is Vinted?

    Vinted values authenticity and expects its members to respect trademarks, copyrights, and other legal rights when listing items. We encourage the sale of only genuine and authentic products, creating a safe shopping environment for our community.

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