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About company is the official website for SPRAVATO® (esketamine) Nasal Spray, a prescription medicine used for two specific indications. It is primarily aimed at adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) as part of a comprehensive treatment plan including an oral antidepressant. The website provides detailed information on the medication, including prescribing and safety information, patient stories, and resources for finding treatment centers. SPRAVATO® is subject to additional monitoring and must be administered under the supervision of a healthcare professional in a certified treatment center. The website also offers support programs to assist patients with treatment costs and education about the medication.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Titusville, New Jersey, United States.
  • Founders: -
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2019.

Customer reviews

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Embernek meg kell érteniük, hogy senki sem ugyanolyan
by Anonymous

Embernek meg kell érteniük, hogy senki sem ugyanolyan, és mindenki más reakciókat fog tapasztalni. Vegyünk például engem (majd hasonlítsuk össze mások tapasztalataival): Diagnózis: MDD & CPTSD Adag: 84 mg Időtartam: 4+ hónap Pszichedelikumok korábbi használata: Egyik sem Ami engem illet, jelentős enyhülést tapasztaltam először is (42 éves vagyok). Két alkalommal tapasztaltam disszociációt, ami rendkívül kellemes volt, kontrollálható és nagyon enyhe, legfeljebb. Soha nem tapasztaltam "testen kívüli" élményeket; nem szédültem; semmiféle mellékhatást sem tapasztaltam - kivéve a enyhe álmosságot utána (kb. 20-30 percig). A TMS nem működött, ahogy az ECT vagy a DBT sem. A ketamin infúziók jól működtek, amíg súlyos húgyúti fertőzéseket, veseköveket és 9,8-as PSA szintet nem fejlesztettem ki! Tudnék még sokáig sorolni, de ennek az értékelésnek a lényege az, hogy nincs összefüggés az én tapasztalatom és mások tapasztalatai között. ALAPVONAL: AMIKOR AZ LELKI EGÉSZSÉGRŐL VAN SZÓ, SOHA NE FOGADD EL AZ ONLINE ÉRTÉKELÉSEK TANÁCSÁT.

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I’ve been using Spravato for about 10 weeks
by Anonymous

I’ve been using Spravato for about 10 weeks (for bipolar) and the change in my mood and energy is clear to me and those around me. Before starting, I slept over 16 hours a day and struggled with basic self-care. Now, I get around 9 hours of sleep and wake up ready to tackle my goals. Despite my bipolar disorder, I haven’t experienced any manic episodes, just a healthy boost in energy. Thanks to my better condition, I’m taking three online courses that I enjoy a lot - something I couldn’t have imagined three months ago. Yes, the 2-hour treatment can be a bit ‘trippy’ and uncomfortable, so I recommend surrounding yourself with comforting things. Listen to soft music, wear comfy clothes, or watch uplifting videos.

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For Depression
by Austin

Spravato has been amazing for me. The day after my third treatment (first at 84 mg) I felt the darkness lifting. My depression score went from severe depression to mild mood disturbance. I haven’t felt normal in six years. Tried dozens of meds, and nothing. I’m still not 100%, but so much better. I don’t dread my life anymore. The crushing sadness is gone. I know everyone responds differently, but for me it’s been life-changing.

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The treatment comes with its
by Anonymous

The treatment comes with its set of considerations. The necessity to administer the spray under medical supervision at certified treatment centers might be inconvenient for some, requiring regular visits and potentially impacting daily schedules. Additionally, the side effects, such as dissociation and dizziness, though generally temporary, could be unsettling for patients.

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My experience with this treatment has been very positive so far
by Shakes

My experience with this treatment has been very positive so far. It's been a challenging journey, but for the first time in a long while, I feel hopeful. I'm praying that this will finally be the solution to end my battle with Major Depressive Disorder.

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I’ve had depression and anxiety
by SLA

I’ve had depression and anxiety for nearly 40 years (I’m almost 60). Spravato is the ONLY thing that’s helped. Side effects last around 2 hours for me. I saw improvement after the third or fourth treatment. It's been a total life changer for me.

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A egy megbízható vállalat
by Anonymous

A egy megbízható vállalat, amely az esketamin orrspray-t kínálja kezelésre ellenálló depresszióban szenvedő felnőttek számára. Az oldal hasznos információkat és támogatást nyújt a kezelés alatt álló betegeknek.

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