Reviews Summary

React has a 4.5 - star rating from 4 reviews, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

React enables developers to construct user interfaces through modular components like Thumbnail, LikeButton, and Video. These components can be assembled into comprehensive screens and applications, fostering seamless collaboration among developers. JSX, a JavaScript syntax extension, simplifies component creation, maintenance, and removal by integrating markup closely with rendering logic. Whether working solo or within extensive teams, React provides a consistent development experience. Its design facilitates the integration of components authored by disparate individuals, teams, or organizations, promoting flexibility and scalability in application development.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Menlo Park, California, United States.
  • Founders: React was founded by Jordan Walke.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2013.

Customer reviews

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React has been used as a web front-end
by Don

React has been used as a web front-end layer for a few different projects. We have a couple of web applications that we have chosen to use React for. It addressed the need for something that was forward-thinking and progressive in its approach to development. It allows us to structure the client-side logic and presentation code in a more maintainable way. Pros and Cons React makes managing state both easy and hard (depending on the context of the situation). So I am using it as both a pro and a con. React makes organizing your code quite easy. React is fast. It can be used on the front end and also rendered server-side. The Ecosystem is enormous for being so young. Wide-spread adoption has helped this and gives you plenty of areas to find help. React Native is an amazing tool that gets you into Mobile Development using the skills you learn in React Web development React's state management can get hairy if you have a deeply nested component and need to pass things up or down the tree very far. This is where libraries like Redux come in, however. The progressive nature of its development and change cycles can leave information outdated online faster than other frameworks. This can make finding help or documentation on 3rd party sites frustrating. The learning curve on "thinking in React" can be slightly higher than other more familiar patterns of web development. Building an app in it can be cumbersome to set up with webpack, but things like Create React App can get you going in a jiffy.

Manny teams in our orgnizatn are
by Anonymous

Manny teams in our orgnizatn are usng React for boh our web properties nd several moble aps (usng React Ntive). It is the default clent-sde framework and moble ap stack for any new work as wel. This lets engneers easly collabrate betwen diffrnt projects and also share compnents. Pros and Cons Lots of compatble librries and tools Fantstic develoer experince and mentl model Eas to layer abstactions and compose lrg pages from smal compnents Without usng tools like Gatsby or Next, React encourges lrg clent-sde bundles with no content avilable immeditely. Usualy, you need to put togethr your own "framework" from othr tools snce React is just the view layer. React Ntive is stil maturing, tho there is a lot of actvity on that project latly.

I appreciate the UI design and setup procedures
by Joel

I appreciate the UI design and setup procedures. React is simple to use and gives a tech-friendly feel when creating individual components. Its speed is another great feature that stands out, truly it works much better than other JavaScript languages I’ve tried.

This is good.
by Musi

This is good. I tried to explain this before, but I didn't have good sources. Now I learned something new by reading this. I didn't know it was "ok" sometimes to call a state setter in a component function. I would have used an effect for this.

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