Reviews Summary

Pickup Music has a 4.0 - star rating from 1 review, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

Pickup Music offers access to top-tier online guitar courses for learners of all skill levels. With step-by-step learning pathways, the platform helps beginners build a strong foundation and guides experienced players to refine their skills. The courses are designed to provide a structured and effective approach to learning guitar. Users benefit from expert instruction and a variety of resources to enhance their musical journey. Pickup Music empowers guitar enthusiasts to reach their full potential at their own pace.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, United States.
  • Founders: Pickup Music was founded by Sam Blakelock, Cam Nolan.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2015.

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Customer reviews

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The Country Pathways course is a solid online The Country Pathways course is a solid online

The Country Pathways course is a solid online guitar course taught by Daniel Donato. It covers various topics like triads, scales, riffs, licks, and improv jams. Daniel Donato is a kind, honest, friendly, and approachable teacher. He’s also a very skilled guitarist and knows country music really well. He makes hard concepts simple to grasp by breaking them down into clear steps. The only small issue I have is that some lessons and jams expect you to have all the material fully memorized, so I’d recommend learning the source material before moving ahead.

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