Reviews Summary has a 3.4 - star rating from 12 reviews, indicating a low level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

Funds Recovery, a specialized consulting firm, focuses on asset recovery from financial fraud, leveraging expertise to aid thousands of global scam victims in reclaiming their funds. Victims of Binary Options fraud, Forex fraud, Bitcoin fraud, Dating scams, and other online fraudulent practices can seek assistance by filing a complaint on The platform offers a comprehensive assessment to determine the potential for recovering lost funds. With a proven track record, Funds Recovery empowers victims to take action against financial fraud and explore avenues for fund retrieval, providing a reliable resource in combating online scams.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Sheridan, Wyoming, United States.
  • Founders: was founded by Victor Masterson.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2014.

Customer reviews

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After a distressing experience investing
by Eleni

After a distressing experience investing $6000 in a crypto solar panels venture that abruptly vanished, I sought help from FR team. While initially hesitant, their guidance proved invaluable. Instead of pursuing the elusive scammer directly, they efficiently targeted intermediary institutions. In Greece, where solar investments attract scammers, FR team's approach yielded results. In 4 months, 89% of my funds were recovered. Their strategy, although not swift, demonstrated a pragmatic resolution to a prevalent issue. I appreciate their efforts in navigating the complexities of financial recovery in a challenging domain.

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I encountered a deceptive situation on
by Mr Quso

I encountered a deceptive situation on TikTok, lured into a false crypto mentorship program through The process involved misleading steps, including funding a trading account with Bitcoin. Despite expressing concerns and seeking a refund, their responses lacked transparency. Fortunately, the funds recovery team promptly reached out and provided assistance. As a newcomer to the crypto world, their support was crucial. The incident highlights the necessity of services aiding individuals navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency, especially for those vulnerable to deceptive schemes.

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I contacted them on Friday, and they
by ash

I contacted them on Friday, and they promptly responded, acknowledging financial constraints but suggesting alternative avenues for assistance. Despite being unable to provide financial support due to the cost-effectiveness dilemma, they took the time to offer various suggestions and guide me to other sources for help. Their willingness to explore alternatives sets them apart from those who simply dismiss inquiries. I remain optimistic about finding a solution to address the challenges I'm facing.

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Fund-Recovery successfully retrieved 60%
by Sancez

Fund-Recovery successfully retrieved 60% of my funds within a reasonable 5-month timeframe. Their transparency, evidenced by detailed statements from involved institutions, eased my initial skepticism about the recovered amount. While the upcoming phase seems more intricate, I'm content with the current retrieval progress. Though reclaiming the entire sum might be challenging, achieving an 89% total recovery would undoubtedly bring immense satisfaction.

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In the face of a rising tide of scammers, I discovered a beacon of hope—a detailed step-by-step instruction template
by Misti Dufur

In the face of a rising tide of scammers, I discovered a beacon of hope—a detailed step-by-step instruction template. Guided by their expertise, I am reclaiming the funds lost while seeking housing for my family. It's a reminder to validate online information with local law enforcement before committing any funds. Their support has been invaluable in navigating this challenging situation. Stay cautious, stay protected.

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Caution is essential when dealing with
by Faizal Faiza

Caution is essential when dealing with this company. Trust Pilot's credibility is questionable, as they demanded an initial payment of R2100 to link the bank account for money retrieval. Subsequently, an unexpected maintenance fee of R5500 emerged, not disclosed initially, hindering the process. Be wary of potential scams and carefully consider engaging with this service.

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It's tough finding anything honest these days
by Tiffany

It's tough finding anything honest these days. I asked about their help after getting scammed. They replied fast. They didn't try taking my money or making me commit to a service not right for me. I'm thankful. Often companies make you sign up for something wrong. So, thanks a lot. You've restored some faith in people for me.

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My encounter with the company proved
by Mathew

My encounter with the company proved worthwhile as I successfully recouped $5800 within a relatively brief timeframe. Falling victim to a $6000 scam through a bogus website was a distressing ordeal. Thankfully, the resolution process concluded, alleviating the aftermath of one of my worst scam encounters.

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I reached out to Funds Recovery
by Chris Fink

I reached out to Funds Recovery following a distressing experience with a UK-based company ( that denied my withdrawal of a $2,600 deposit and earnings. Funds Recovery promptly analyzed my situation and offered a complimentary recovery strategy. Hoping for a positive outcome!

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This company is a fradulent one
by Anonymous

This company is a fradulent one, based in Reykjavik and operating in Europe. They cheat their clients. They might call me an angrry scammer (I’m not lookng for enyone’s money). Don't reach out to them, it’s a Pnzi scheme.

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Beware! This company is a scam
by Andrew James

Beware! This company is a scam. I reached out for help in recovering funds, but instead, they persistently called, demanding money. Be cautious and avoid falling victim to their deceptive practices.

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This company didn't do much
by Emily

This company didn't do much for me. I gave them a $500 deposit, and all they did was keep asking for more money. I don't understand why they operate like this!

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