About company
Offering a solution to the common apprehension surrounding driver's exams, this platform provides comprehensive preparation that surpasses traditional methods. Through an online platform and their DMV Genie app, they offer a 73% more effective learning experience compared to the DMV manual. With a focus on quick and confident exam passage, individuals gain the knowledge and skills needed to become better, safer drivers. Their approach ensures thorough preparation, empowering users to tackle the exam with ease and success on the first attempt. Embrace a more effective and efficient way to prepare for driver's exams and enhance driving proficiency.
Key Details:
- Location: The company is headquartered in Sarasota, United States.
- Founders: Driving-Tests.org was founded by Andrei Zakhareuski and Maryna Zakhareuskaya.
- Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2008.