Reviews Summary

RVS Media has a 5.0 - star rating from 3 reviews, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

RVS Media is a digital transformation and eCommerce development company based in London, UK. The company specializes in tailored web development, user experience design, and digital marketing services. RVS Media is committed to delivering result-driven solutions and ensuring customer satisfaction through innovative approaches and effective client communication. They have a strong portfolio and emphasize creating bespoke strategies to meet the unique needs of each brand. The company also provides ongoing support to ensure the long-term success of their clients' digital initiatives.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.
  • Founders: RVS Media was founded by Rajeev Nar.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2014.

Customer reviews

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Stakeholders value the fresh, neat
by Anonymous

Stakeholders value the fresh, neat look of the website, and organic traffic has risen since work started. RVS MEDIA LTD. provides great guidance on the site’s future plans. They’ve well-handled tasks during the project.

Since the start of the engagement
by Ashleigh

Since the start of the engagement, inquiries have risen significantly. RVS MEDIA LTD. maintained smooth communication and kept the project on track. They also provided practical advice that was put into action.

The end result from RVS MEDIA LTD.
by Kazi Abidur

The end result from RVS MEDIA LTD. pleased everyone involved and boosted our product sales. Their team was professional and quick, setting and meeting goals fast.

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