Reviews Summary has a 3.3 - star rating from 7 reviews, indicating a low level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

Majorrally positions itself as a broker purportedly committed to delivering excellent trading services. Catering to both institutional and private clients, the entity aims to provide a comprehensive trading experience. The alleged dedication to excellence is supported by an expert team that guides investors through their trading activities. Majorrally's focus on institutional and private clients underscores its versatility, aiming to meet the diverse needs of both types of investors. The broker presents itself as a capable partner for those seeking guidance and support in navigating the complexities of financial markets.

Key Details:                                                                  

  • Location: The company is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.
  • Founders: -
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2018.

Customer reviews

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The assistance and guidance from
by Cindy F.

The assistance and guidance from Major Rally Brokers have proven invaluable. As someone with limited time for trading and technical analysis, I owe much of my progress to Henry Black. His unwavering support and responsiveness have made navigating the market much more accessible. Henry's genuine passion and purpose shine through, elevating the overall experience beyond a mere financial endeavor.

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Major Rally is unequivocally a scam
by Marko

Major Rally is unequivocally a scam! They lure you with promises of substantial profits, only to abruptly cease communication and refuse to return your money. This is a blatant scam, and I strongly advise against investing in Major Rally. Protect your funds and steer clear of this deceptive operation to avoid financial losses and disappointment.

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Major Rally is a complete bullshit.
by Jonathan

Major Rally is a complete bullshit. Stay far away from this company as they lure you into a false sense of financial gain only to disappear without a trace. Investing with them is a risky endeavor that leads to disappointment and loss. Beware and steer clear of Major Rally – it's a blatant scam.

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This company is a complete scam.
by Anonymous

This company is a complete scam. I strongly advise against getting involved with them. It's not your typical scam where they try to access your super, but once they figure out they can't, they vanish. I'm on the lookout for a genuine company to assist me in retrieving my money.

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I reckon Majorrally is great for folks
by Anonymous

I reckon Majorrally is great for folks looking to manage their investments. Since our initial chat, they've been really nice and handled things professionally. Their services are superb.

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Great customer service for
by Christine

Great customer service for a newbie like me. They helped me through everything patiently. Transfer was quick and they kept me updated. I'll stick with them. Rates are good. Thanks!

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Major Rally team are really good at managing my money.
by Paul

Major Rally team are really good at managing my money. They give great service and support, answering all your questions. They're true pros and really friendly.

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