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Heritage Associates has a 4.7 - star rating from 6 reviews, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction!

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Life Insurance

Each brand on belongs to a specific category, where it holds a position in the top rankings. The ranking is determined by various factors, such as the overall rating on the site, the number of reviews, the business's activity in managing reviews, engagement with customers, and more.

Heritage Associates is 15 out of 29 best companies in Life Insurance on

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  • E

    Esther Brown

    1 reviews

    Luke showed a lot of patience and had a great amount of knowledge.

    Luke showed a lot of patience and had a great amount of knowledge. He explained the instructions and policy in detail. I had to interrupt him a couple of times during our chat because I was unsure about some details. Each time, Luke calmly clarified the parts of the policy that were confusing. He remained calm and patient, which was a nice change from other insurance agents I've encountered. Luke's positive demeanor is sure to benefit him in both his work and personal life. I hope he keeps a humble attitude and respects his values. I was initially hesitant to buy insurance due to my recent vehicle issues. I shared my worries about the cost, and he offered a $2000 policy to start, with the option to add more later. This was a thoughtful and useful suggestion.


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  • J


    2 reviews

    Jaime, my agent, was really

    Jaime, my agent, was really nice, she was friendly and understanding. I didn't feel pushed into anything, and I think she was honest with me. I believe she'll be able to help my husband too when he's ready to get insurance. Now, I just need to persuade him to consider it.


    Replying to Jerrie

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  • C

    Chrissy Guillot

    1 reviews

    They seem good.

    They seem good. Lydia was nice and told me everything I needed to know without trying to make me spend more. The product seems good, and Lydia explained it well.


    Replying to Chrissy Guillot

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  • N


    5 reviews

    Jamey explaned everything to the

    Jamey explaned everything to the T and I know that I can depend on her if I need to reach out to her for whatever questions I might have.


    Replying to Norma

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  • M


    53 reviews

    Since starting my new policy

    Since starting my new policy, I feel much more "cared for" and less worried about my kids dealing with my final plans! It's such a relief! Plus, the policy is worth more now. It feels good to have sorted out something I went through with my mom a few years ago, and my kids can relax knowing they don't have to deal with all the tough stuff.


    Replying to Mary

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  • S


    20 reviews

    Lincoln Heritage Associates was good.

    Lincoln Heritage Associates was good. My rep Robin Akin was smart, detailed, pro, and polite. She told me all the policies and listened to me. She didn't push unwanted policies and gave options within my budget.


    Replying to Sharon

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Claim & Respond

Reviews with responses attract 🔥59% more returning customers and 🔥20% more first-time customers


Life Insurance

Each brand on belongs to a specific category, where it holds a position in the top rankings. The ranking is determined by various factors, such as the overall rating on the site, the number of reviews, the business's activity in managing reviews, engagement with customers, and more.

Heritage Associates is 15 out of 29 best companies in Life Insurance on

About Heritage Associates

Heritage Associates serves as the Texas and Minnesota regional agency of Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company, a leading provider of final expense coverage. Specializing in small, whole-life insurance policies, they offer planning assistance to ease the financial burden on loved ones during funeral arrangements. With coverage ranging from $1,000 to $20,000, benefits are accessible within 24 hours at the time of need. The application process requires no medical exam, and most qualify without a waiting period. Once coverage begins, rates remain consistent, and policies do not expire, providing long-term security for policyholders and their families.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Austin, Texas, United States.
  • Founders: Heritage Associates was founded by Don McNamara CMC.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 1997.
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