Reviews Summary has a 3.6 - star rating from 28 reviews, indicating a low level of customer satisfaction!

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About company

Gyna offers a scientifically supported program designed to expedite the process of conceiving a child. Their approach is rooted in nutritional insights, providing a comprehensive fertility evaluation to help individuals understand their potential for pregnancy. By leveraging science-backed methods, Gyna empowers couples to make informed decisions on their fertility journey. This program aims to demystify the complexities surrounding conception and offers tangible solutions for those looking to start a family. Gyna's fertility evaluation serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance and answers to their family planning questions, fostering hope and clarity on the path to parenthood.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Wilmington, United States.
  • Founders: Mr. MacGregor Lennarz is CEO of
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2022.

Customer reviews

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WARNING! They won't remind you a payment is upcoming!!!
by Anonymous

Really disgraceful company :( I went to my bank account yesterday to pay a bill, and I had a $230 payment that had just come out from Gyna. I've just lost my job and the $230 payment put my bank account into deficit. I couldn't see any email from Gyna saying I had resubscribed since I last cancelled in November 2022, but it turns out I did resubscribe last year - I must have deleted the email they sent. HOWEVER, Gyna's policy is to keep charging customers every 7 months WITHOUT SENDING ANY SORT OF EMAIL REMINDER BEFORE THEY CHARGE YOU AGAIN! Very sneaky on the part of Gyna. Really awful that you prey on the hopes of women desperate to have a child with this dishonest practice of not sending reminder emails. I can see that other people have complained about the same experience. Gyna, do you think there might be a reason why women forget that they have a subscription and therefore need reminders? Perhaps, like me, they have stopped using the service because they aren't falling pregnant. Perhaps they are depressed and devastated because they have spent tens of thousands of dollars on IVF treatment and services like Gyna without success? You are toying with the lives of women who are desperate to have children, profiting from the fact that they are in highly emotional situations and are preoccupied with just getting through the day without falling apart. The least you could do is send an email before you take their money. Your employee said you won't refund and that she "hopes I understand" and that she "cares" about the stress caused to me. I do NOT understand. And if you really cared, you would treat me like an actual human being rather than as a piece of crap. I hope you enjoy spending my money while I sit here and suffer, childless, unemployed, broke and depressed. Just remember you are dealing with real people in a very sensitive situation. I guess you're all having a great laugh at this while you sit there enjoying your beautiful lives. If that's the kind of people you are, good luck to you and your business. If you are considering signing up, PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS COMPANY WILL NOT EMAIL YOU BEFORE THEY TAKE YOUR MONEY! They could easily set that up, but they won't, because this is how they make their money. It makes them feel clever and important when they catch you out. I'm sitting here crying, and they couldn't care less.

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I had to give back my unborn baby and Gyna doesn't care... charged me anyway!
by EK

I can't believe that I'm sharing this. Don't read this if you are sensitive or have high hopes for the Gyna app. I wish I could protect you. After contacting Gyna to express my shock at being charged $200 on my credit card, they declined my request for a refund and told me it was against their policy. I didn't want to share my devastating experience, but their stone-cold, hard no made me feel I had no choice. I explained that I couldn't keep my baby and that she had Trisomy 18. Among other devastating deformities. During this unthinkable time, I saw the charge on my credit card from Gyna. I don't want to be reminded and pay for something that will never be. It's hard to believe I relied on these people for prenatal, supportive advice. Even after I shared the devasting news with Gyna in detail, which I didn't want to, April responded: "I understand that you no longer wish to be reminded of this through our app or its charges. While I regret to inform you that our policy does not allow for a refund in this case, please know that we are thinking of you and hoping for your healing." Cold-blooded, cold-hearted! They don't care about you, your pregnancy, or your baby's health. Cash, baby! Cold, hard cash. I think this app was written by a bunch of vegan dudes who have never carried or loved a baby before. It's not an app in the app store because Apple doesn't want the liability, and Gyna doesn't want to expose themselves to deserving refunds. I will have to contact Visa and try to keep my voice from quivering and my eyes from pouring. It's now about the principal. Heartbroken. I'm totally beside myself. My sisters, I'm sorry to be so straight. I need to watch out for us girls. All of us. Don't invest in something that won't give you a money-back guarantee. We live in a time when everyone who's reputable, trustworthy, and honest offers one. Good luck out there! All the love and support to your future and the baby you will make using other genuine, educated advice.

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Beware of Gyna Fertility Program - Unauthorized Charges and Poor Service
by Vera

I recently had a very disappointing experience with the Gyna Fertility Program, and I want to share my story to help others avoid the same pitfalls. Unexpected Charges: I signed up for their trial period for a small fee. However, without any clear notification or reminder, I was unexpectedly charged a significant amount right after the trial ended. There was no warning that the trial was ending or that my account would be charged. This lack of transparency feels deceptive. Lack of Valuable Content: The content provided during the trial period was unimpressive and consisted of information that is readily available for free online. It did not offer the premium value that was advertised. Customer Service Issues: I immediately contacted customer service to request a refund, but they refused, citing their terms and conditions. Despite multiple emails, I have yet to receive any satisfactory response. Reporting to Authorities: Due to the lack of resolution, I have reported this issue to the relevant consumer protection authorities and encourage others who have experienced similar issues to do the same. Advice to Potential Users: If you're considering trying the Gyna Fertility Program, be extremely cautious. Set reminders to cancel before the trial ends, and be aware that the content may not offer much additional value. Consider exploring free resources online before committing to their paid service. Conclusion: The lack of clear communication, unexpected charges, and poor customer service have left me very dissatisfied. I hope this review helps others make an informed decision.

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The Fertility course limits the
by Daphne

The Fertility course limits the information you can access each day, which is annoying. Most people don't have time to read daily. It would be better if they let you access all modules at once so you can read when you want. I didn't get a reminder before the trial period ended, which is a letdown. I thought it was an app, but it's actually a website, which was misleading. The information they provide is basic and doesn't consider allergies or other conditions. Some of the info seems doubtful. For example, they claim the Greek yogurt Mac & Cheese has healthy probiotics, but probiotics die when heated or cooked. There are no contact details on the website, which should have been a warning sign. Overall, the company seems sketchy. They might not be operating ethically. I'm still waiting for a refund. I'd suggest avoiding them.

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Poor Customer Experience
by Joan

I signed up and then found out i had cancer during the trial period so understandably was upset. I cant attempt to get pregnant at all. I thought to cancel it on the day the money was paid for the subscription. They wont give me a refund as its against their terms and conditions. They wished me luck. This is a business, they dont care about the individual customer. A business that has no compassion or seeks to care about their customers is not one I will recommend. Be wary of their terms and conditions. I had a look at the content, i dont see anything different than what a fertility specialist can tell me or google. I have seen a fertility specialist, dietician, nutritionist and googled plenty so i feel comfortable to make that statement.

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Deceptive and Worthless
by Karen

Gyna app is nothing but a sham. After canceling my subscription due to medical reasons, I was still charged without warning. Despite repeated attempts to resolve the issue, all I received were automated responses. Since February 29, I’ve been tirelessly trying to reclaim my $139, a significant amount for someone currently unemployed. It’s become apparent that Gyna offers nothing more than a collection of worthless articles and reviews easily found through a simple Google search. This deceitful practice of charging for readily available information is both appalling and unacceptable. Gyna’s true nature as a scam is now glaringly evident. Avoid at all costs.

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The free trial option is a notable feature,
by Ashlyn

The free trial option is a notable feature, allowing users to explore various aspects of the program before committing financially. The website offers extensive information on fertility, providing detailed insights into each topic. However, a limitation exists wherein users are prevented from progressing to another learning section after reaching a predefined time limit to avoid potential burnout. The restriction on user autonomy to decide when to stop is a drawback, particularly for those who prefer a more flexible approach to their learning sessions. Despite this, the website remains a valuable resource for individuals seeking information on conception.

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Caught off guard by unexpected charges?
by Dominika S

Caught off guard by unexpected charges? Imagine this: I just found a £104 charge from a subscription I forgot I had. No warning emails, no heads-up—just a hit to my bank account. Is this how they treat their clients? Communication with April was a letdown; her unprofessionalism left me hanging. It's disappointing when a business fails to support its clients. They're supposed to build trust, not break it. Did you know there are laws in the UK about subscription transparency? It's time they followed them. I'm asking for a refund ASAP. Before you subscribe, think twice about who you trust with your money.

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Gyna provides fertility courses
by Sha

Gyna provides fertility courses in an incredibly user-friendly platform. What sets it apart is its knack for simplifying complex fertility topics into easy-to-digest information. No confusing medical jargon here; it's all about straightforward knowledge. But that's not all. Gyna goes the extra mile by including fertility-boosting recipes that are a delightful surprise. These recipes aren't just delicious; they're crafted to support your fertility journey. And to keep things engaging, Gyna offers quizzes. Whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your knowledge, Gyna is your ideal companion.

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Even though my family and I live a healthy
by Lyndsay

Even though my family and I live a healthy lifestyle with pretty healthy eating habits, for being in my 40’s and trying to conceive I am always looking for more information. With that being said I was definitely amazed at the amount of knowledge this program has offered. I was cautious in adding the meal plan, but I’m so glad I did. Some of the recipes “ummmm~delicious” and I say meaning all and surprisingly easy to make! I’m only 3 days in, but I feel this program will definitely help the process; our goal is prego within 3-4 months (fingers crossed and high prayers)

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Prepare to be surprised.
by Jessica Moore

Prepare to be surprised. While the motivation is on point, not all the nutrition advice hits the mark. Picture this: it pushes for less meat and demonizes natural saturated fats—sound familiar? But here’s the twist: did you know that quality-sourced foods pack more punch than their mass-produced counterparts? Think raw, grass-fed milk versus your average dairy aisle find. Before you buy into the hype, consider this perspective. It might just change the way you shop for groceries.

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Get ready to uncover a new perspective on fertility health with Gyna.
by LaKendra Batten

Get ready to uncover a new perspective on fertility health with Gyna. Their meticulous research and insightful details shed light on both familiar and surprising aspects of fertility. The structured courses ensure you grasp everything without feeling overwhelmed—a refreshing change in a sea of information. Dive in and discover why managing your fertility health has never been more empowering. Take charge today with Gyna.

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Gyna proves instrumental in
by Megan

Gyna proves instrumental in decoding the intricate links between diet, daily habits, and fertility. The guidance extends beyond merely steering clear of pitfalls, shedding light on beneficial practices and setting practical goals. This resource significantly contributes to my quest for pregnancy while concurrently enhancing my broader wellness journey.

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I havent had this app for very long
by Claire

I havent had this app for very long but in a short time I've learned so much about food and how it effects fertility and just general health. Gyna explains everything in a simple easy to follow way which makes you wanna keep learning. I definetly recommend gyna to people wanting to concieve or just wanting to get healthy.

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I’m lerning a LOT about nutrition and fertility
by Nicole

I’m lerning a LOT about nutrition and fertility science and the modules are short and easy to understand and complete. I am still using birth control for the next month but I feel like the information I’m learning will help me give my body the head start it needs to improve my likelihood of a smooth conception.

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I wasn't certain if this platform would be useful
by Kesina

I wasn't certain if this platform would be useful, but I'm learning a lot about diet, hormones, and stress. It's easy to read with short articles and questions to keep you interested. I stopped eating trans fat foods right away, and I hope this info helps with my 2nd child through IVF.

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It's been a few days since I began using it
by özge sarı

It's been a few days since I began using it, and it's quite informative about how our bodies work and the impact of nutrition. It made me realize the kinds of unhealthy food I've been eating. It educates on how specific foods and how we eat them affect our bodies over time.

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Scam ???
by Anonymous

Not sure if it is a scam but I canceled it on the last trial date and was still charged. I explained I lost my job and couldn’t afford it. I also don’t have mental health to think about it at the moment and asked for my refund but I was blocked for their socials instead.

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I enjoy how the content is sorted
by Seema

I enjoy how the content is sorted into sections so I can pick what interests me. I dislike the large amount of text to read, and the buttons moving on the page make interactions awkward. The visuals make it seem outdated, and the overall user experience could be better.

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The company offers great information
by Anonymous

The company offers great information, explained well and easy to understand. It covers fertility diet book + more helpful tips. But, I don't like being restricted to X sections per day. I get why they do it, but it's annoying. They should limit weekly instead of daily.

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I like how the course is divided into
by Sam

I like how the course is divided into small, simple sections. It would be better if there wasn't a limit on how much you can do each day because I want to learn more. I've only used the app for a few days, but I'm enjoying it and I've learned a few things.

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The Gyna app is easy to read and I
by Alise

The Gyna app is easy to read and I learned a lot of information from it. I wish the app had a save tab so I could move the information there instead of using a screenshot and saving it to my photo app. More organized, the better for memorization.

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There's a wealth of valuable
by Holly

There's a wealth of valuable educational information about fertility and diet available, but it can be frustrating when you're restricted in how quickly you can progress through it. It's always great to have the freedom to learn at your own pace.

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The company provides useful educational
by Kelsey Knox

The company provides useful educational info and recipes, which I find helpful. It's something all women could benefit from before getting pregnant. I'm not a fan of their daily section limits, though.

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Just found Gyna.
by Manoela

Just found Gyna. Info is precious. Nutrition to fertility. Presented in simple, delightful way. Learning easily, which is good. Recommend for moms-to-be. Navigating info is pleasure in sacred process.

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The info is real helpful, but it keeps cutting you off.
by Anonymous

The info is real helpful, but it keeps cutting you off. I got certain times to read it, so it's annoying when it stops in the middle. It makes it harder to remember.

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I'm loving learning how to optimize

I'm loving learning how to optimize my diet for my fertility journey. Gyna is so easy to use, and I don't feel stressed with all the info they give.

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I've been here for a few days now
by Lisa

I've been here for a few days now, and the info is really informative. Can't wait to try out some of the recipes!

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